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Instead of focusing on the flawless GOP convention, the media focused on Clint Eastwood's speech. If not him, it would have been something else. And instead of focusing in on all the flaws at the Democrat convention, they focused on Obama's inevitability. The polls show movement towards Obama but not much. Big deal! The bounce will not last.
Over the past ten days, what hasn't surprised me is how the corrupt media created its own pro-Obama reality coming out of the conventions. What does surprise me is how this coordinated psy-ops push is working to panic a lot of conservatives.
Obama's bad speech, the Democratic convention floor booing God, and the terrible jobs numbers were given about three hours worth of coverage until the launch of the Inevitability Narrative was coordinated, a narrative that lives on today. Whereas the manufactured Clint Proves Romney's An Incompetent Boob Narrative still lives on 10 days later.
In other words, using all of its resources to push what I've described above, the corrupt media turned a standard post-convention bounce into a OBAMA'S VICTORY IS INEVITABLE!!! narrative.
And some conservatives who should know better are falling for it.
A convention bounce is just that -- a convention bounce.
Romney had one too, you know, and the media didn't scream then about how the election was over. In fact, as Romney's poll numbers climbed after the convention, Nate Silver was decreasing his chances of winning at his lofty New York Times' perch.
Don't you see? It's all a ploy, a con, a hustle -- it's all about turning a fabricated reality into a real reality by bumming out conservatives.

Media Is Conning Us About Obama Again!

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