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February 26, 2014 by John Myers

“Behind Winston’s back the voice from the telescreen was still babbling away about pig-iron and the overfulfillment of the Ninth Three-Year Plan.” — 1984, George Orwell

Ted Nugent did something unforgivable last week. Far worse than calling President Barack Obama a “mongrel” while campaigning for Republican candidate for Texas Governor Greg Abbott, the aging rock star said that CNN spins out propaganda the way Nazi Germany did.

When endlessly attacked over that statement by CNN, Nugent tweeted:

CNN Joseph Goebbells Saul Alinsky propaganda ministry mongrels

— Ted Nugent (@TedNugent) February 19, 2014

Nugent’s comments were huge news on CNN, regardless of the fact that the U.S. economy is in shambles, some indicators show that the stock market is headed for a major correction and some of the key ingredients exist that could set off a global war in central Europe, where the previous two originated.

Nugent couldn’t be more wrong regarding CNN. Today, Ted Turner’s once-solid news organization puts Goebbels to shame when it comes to spreading disinformation and spewing outrageous lies.

During World War II, many Germans were very cynical of the Nazi Propaganda Ministry, especially after the Allied bombing campaigns began. Yet most Americans today accept whatCNN tells them as gospel.

If CNN’s reporting were unique, it could be recognized for what it is. But most of the TV networks and major print media outlets produce lockstep information that the public not only swallows but can parrot upon demand. For what masters they work I do not know, but to believe there is much serious reporting of actual news or any balance in their reporting of events would stretch the mind toward retardation.

All one has to do is watch BBC news broadcasts to know that there really are important events happening and they are not predicated on a politically biased American liberal agenda.

Aeschylus: ‘In War, Truth Is The First Casualty’

If Edward R. Murrow and Walter Cronkite landed in hell, I wager they would have to watchCNN 24 hours a day. They would have to suffer the truth that the serious issues that affect the world and Americans are rarely reported on and that if they are, they have a slant directed for some larger ambition of mind control and mindless distraction.

Whatever you call what is happening daily around the globe on TV is nothing like what I was taught at journalism school. The five Ws — who, what, when, where and why — were replaced by Goebbels’ propaganda brainchild. He said: “Our starting point is not the individual … we do not subscribe to the view that one should feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty or clothe the naked…”

Neither should North Americans feel disillusioned or disenchanted, even though millions of them are. Instead, if we use the past week as an example, Canadians have been thrilled to excessive celebration that their spoiled, drug-aided, multi-millionaire players on the men’s hockey team beat America’s spoiled, drug-aided, multi-millionaire studded team at the Sochi Olympics. Of course, Americans feel shame over the loss but have rebounded because of other gold medals.

Naysayers will point to the coverage of the violence in Ukraine as proof that CNN and other TV networks are, in fact, reporting the news. But their coverage has been twisted so far that it looks as if the Barack Obama Administration wrote it. According to anchors like Wolf Blitzer and Anderson Cooper, freedom-loving (code words for American-allied) protest groups are demanding “reforms” in the country, which has an evil and corrupt government that is a Moscow puppet. Part of CNN’s job is to constantly remind us that Russian President Vladimir Putin is “ex-KGB.” It always sounds sinister. But ask yourself: How many times have news outlets like CNN ever mentioned that George H.W. Bush was the former director of the CIA? Next to never is the answer. And if it were ever accidently reported, it could be explained away that, like the American government itself, the CIA was and is an agent for righteousness against evil. Such acceptance of this is something that only a willfully ignorant person would embrace.

Even as far back as 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt foresaw that America needed spheres of influence, regions that must be sheltered and others that should be planted and grown.

According to Antony Beevor in his bestseller, The Second World War, it was FDR’s conclusion (made to Prime Minister Winston Churchill during the drawing up of the Atlantic Charter four months before America’s entrance into World War II) that in a postwar period, nations should have the right to their own self-determination — except in cases where that would conflict with the strategic ambitions of Great Britain and the United States. Upon conclusion of the war, FDR’s successor, Harry Truman, was more specific. In March 1947, Truman warned a joint session of Congress that catastrophe would happen if the United States did not battle communism around the globe. His focus at that time was Greece, where, in fact, many Greeks wanted communism. Truman said without U.S. aid (armed intervention), “disorder might spread throughout the Middle East” and into Western Europe.

Sounding no different than a speech by George W. Bush or Barack Obama, Truman told Congress: “I believe that it must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures.”

According to Roosevelt, Truman and every President since, peoples of the world should be free to choose their own destiny as long as it coincides with Washington’s view of that destiny.

What is happening in Ukraine today is no different than what happened in Greece six decades ago with one critical exception: Greece was clearly within America’s right to influence because of its geographic location to Western Europe. Ukraine borders Russia and for centuries has been under Russian auspices. It would be as if Mexico were setting up a new government friendly to Moscow and believing that Washington would accept such a destiny for Mexico.

Of course, there is no balance in this reporting or the fact that at least half of all Ukrainians want closer relations with Russia and not the European Union (i.e., American) influence. That doesn’t get a mention from Blitzer, Cooper and the morning anchors who last week mostly focused on the racial injustice of the Michael Dunn verdict, a white man convicted of three of four counts for killing a young black man and who will most certainly die in prison. And, of course, they discussed America’s important victories in the Olympics by athletes whom we probably have never heard of before in a sport some of us have never seen. And they talked about the movie “12 Years a Slave,” which is predicted by CNN entertainment pundits to sweep this year’s Academy Awards. The reason, we are told, is because America is finally waking up to centuries of injustice against African-Americans. My truth is that I wake up to it every morning when I turn on CNN to get a cursory check of stock index prices and an important story that even CNN would have to report on.

Breaking Stories Soon To Be On CNN

I can already predict the stories that will follow in the weeks, months and years ahead. Support for whatever domestic or foreign policies Obama declares; derision against the Republican Party, especially those that are legitimate threats to the progressive liberal agenda, such as New Jersey Governor Chris Christie; a steady stream of past and current injustices — real or imagined — that black people face; plus hours of mindless blather on subjects like sports, weather and entertainment that help distract us from the ugly truth that our liberties are being ripped out from beneath us.

Whatever the truth is you won’t be hearing about it on CNN or the rest of the TV media. That is because the real enemy is not in Kiev, Ukraine; Damascus, Syria; or Moscow. The real enemy gives us disinformation via the telescreen. George Orwell knew it 65 years ago. Too bad we don’t read more and watch less TV.

Yours in good times and bad,

–John Myers

P.S. Two books I recommend are The Untold History of the United States by Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznick and Legacy of Ashes: The History of the CIA by Tim Weiner.

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